I am always happy when I get a live firecraker of a man on my bed. Kevin Case was so fun while at the same time intensely sensitive to my erotic maneuvers. Kevin had many erotic hot spots, the tip of his huge cock among them. But by far his neck was his Achille's Heel. I kissed him so much and so hard that I ended up leaving him with a love bite. Oops! No matter if I sucked his cock, rimmed his ass, or kissed his body, Kevin was always in ecstasy. After he plowed my face with his massive dong I helped him jack off. After shooting his load all over his torso I played with Kevin Case some more. Watch how he squirmed and his body jerked as I touched his cock and slightly sucked it. He was so sensitive I felt I was torturing him. Hee hee. At the end it was all good as I gave Kevin a taste of his own juice.
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