Tanned and toned, AJ Irons has topped and bottomed for my other hot site CockSureMen.com, but until now I've only been privy to servicing and massaging him. It's time to go all the way! AJ always gives a high-octane performance, racing past even the loftiest expectations. His 'hot-rod' feels amazing deep inside my ass. It's one ride I'll never forget. We flip and now I'm in the driver's seat. I park my throbbing cock in AJ's tight little hole and it's a perfect fit. Back and forth we go, crashing into each other's asses until it culminates into a frothy explosion. I lose control and blow into my condom while AJ leaks a gigantic load onto his hard abs.
If you want to see AJ Irons in straight porn made for gay men, check his scene out on Straight Guys for Gay Eyes (SG4GE). Click Here.
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